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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Uh, that would be a sucky sound, kind Sir.

edited November 2013 in Off-Topic
According to the internet, sucky =

Spell check of sucky

Correct spelling: sucky

Other synonyms:
rotten, horrible, atrocious, terrible, punk, execrable, awful, dismal, lousy.

So, me thinks that today; during a hopeful period of time that I am able to assess the late afternoon market place will be an unload of about 50% of equity positions, being:


Perhaps I'll be in a different mood before 3pm; not that the market will give a rip about this. At this hour of this day, it is a coin toss; for both mine and the markets mood. (not sure if that is markets or market's, plural or possessive; or both, and I won't take the time to discover this morning)

I believe I hear a vacuum sound in the distance.

End of message.



  • That vacuum sound is now playing in the bond orchestra, too; at 9 a.m.

    Perhaps cash will be the new friend !!!
  • Catch22: Let me know where you Fund Boat is sinking, and I'll send out the Coast Guard to rescue you. Don't sell, remember investing is a marathon not a sprint.
  • Dear Catch22: I just got a report from the Coast Guard that they have rescued your Fund Boat. Thank goodness you didn't sell !
    VIIIX: +1.34%
    DODGX: +1.71%
    PRHSX: +2.14%
    VSCPX: +1.62%
    ITOT: + 1.29%
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