According to the internet, sucky =
Spell check of sucky
Correct spelling: sucky
Other synonyms:
rotten, horrible, atrocious, terrible, punk, execrable, awful, dismal, lousy.
So, me thinks that today; during a hopeful period of time that I am able to assess the late afternoon market place will be an unload of about 50% of equity positions, being:
Perhaps I'll be in a different mood before 3pm; not that the market will give a rip about this. At this hour of this day, it is a coin toss; for both mine and the markets mood. (not sure if that is markets or market's, plural or possessive; or both, and I won't take the time to discover this morning)
I believe I hear a vacuum sound in the distance.
End of message.
Perhaps cash will be the new friend !!!
VIIIX: +1.34%
DODGX: +1.71%
PRHSX: +2.14%
VSCPX: +1.62%
ITOT: + 1.29%