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  • Quoting: "The managers of faith-based funds typically aren't theologians—they often rely on advisory boards or paid services to establish the screens for them. Managers then pick stocks within those limitations."

    That's hysterical. I'm dumbfounded, out of words. We have standards, but we let those other guys tell us what our standards are. LOL!!! Rolling on the floor, laughing. I've looked at some of these, but decided against putting my money with them. The screens are designed to filter out a gnat in one direction, but would let camels and elephants through, on the other side. I'd rather see a positive filter, rather than a negative one. Find some outfits that are doing stuff you WANT to see happen, and invest with THEM. But then it would have to be a rather small, focused portfolio, I suppose.
  • Reply to @MaxBialystock:
    Well, just check the results.
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