These people are insane and this market is BS. 323 points of hope, rumors and complete and utter nonsense.
Cantor: "We expect further conversations tonight." Much like "Seinfeld", I'm sure they'll be about nothing. I posted earlier this morning: "There is no confirmation of a deal - my favorite moment this morning - CNBC flash news blurb on bottom of the screen: "Stocks rise on RUMOR of a deal." Additionally, the deal revolves around a DELAY - kicking the can yet again. I'm not saying there isn't or won't be a deal, just that this is all rather absurd and the risk becomes people going on a rumor and hype."
A 6-week short-term debt ceiling fix would have just seen us be in the same place 6 weeks from now with these people who can't act like adults. This apparently will either work itself out now or won't by the deadline (which is 10/17 or whatever, and if it's 10/17, the market will move how it's going to move if there's no deal on 10/17 in advance of that.)
I don't think that people should base their entire investment decisions on that, but I think it's something to keep in mind and I continue to say, be diversified globally.
There has never been a deal, always short term funding for 6 months or a year or so. Then again, with no budget ever passed under this administration it really doesn't matter. They are spending the money faster than all the previous Presidents could. What me worry?
Oh, well gee, thanks. That's helpful. This is a f'ing joke.
On the positive side? Hmmm...AA beat this week. GE and BAC up next week. Fingers-crossed, they continue to show improvement.
Here's M*'s fair market value chart, not too bad either: