Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
The thumbnail is based on the pic or image you uploaded in your profile.
choose edit thumbnail in your profile and you can resize or isolate a portion of your uploaded image.
Drag around and resize the square below to define your thumbnail icon. The thumbnail (smaller image or selected portion of image that you uploaded) is what is displayed in the discussions and comments. The larger image of uploaded pic is displayed in the top left of your profile.
Yes Accipter. I think I got that right. What I'm saying is I did exactly what you said. My picture has my torso and head. I selected just my head for thumbnail. However on the posts, I see a shrunk copy of my entire picture instead of my thumbnail. Including this one.
Now every time I go in to edit, my thumbnail seems to be getting lost. Maybe it is not saving? I'm using Chrome.
Reply to @Accipiter: i see my ugly mug now. Thanks. My daughter made that "avatar" of me on some website when she was just 5. So I take it very personally.
choose edit thumbnail in your profile and you can resize or isolate a portion of your uploaded image.
Drag around and resize the square below to define your thumbnail icon. The thumbnail (smaller image or selected portion of image that you uploaded) is what is displayed in the discussions and comments. The larger image of uploaded pic is displayed in the top left of your profile.
that is the gist of it.
Now every time I go in to edit, my thumbnail seems to be getting lost. Maybe it is not saving? I'm using Chrome.
looks like it got sorted out after all
Your images are cached. Clear your browser cache. Or try a different computer to prove it to yourself
I'm glad computers are not cars, some people would never get to their destination, to say the least.