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Week Ending 9/6: Stocks Rebound, Bonds Continue Miserable Decline

edited September 2013 in Fund Discussions
Despite some midday pull-backs, SPY managed to climb back to 50 day average for week. Up everyday. After pullback last month, M* has stocks fairly valued right now.

Not same for AGG, however, which experienced two (more) days of loss on heavier than average volume. Extended duration (EDV) now down almost 30% in past year, 20+ TBill (TLH) down almost 20%, and 10-20 TBill (TLT) down a bit more than 10%.





  • Charles,

    Thank you for the continued updates. They are much appreciated.

  • Thanks for the weekly updates. Next FOMC is on Sept 17-18th. Perhaps more clarity would come from it.
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