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Supplement dated September 5, 2013 to the
Class A, B, C and Class I and R dated March 1, 2013, as previously amended on August 5, 2013
Effective September 6, 2013, the Convertible Fund shall re-open to eligible investors, and the “Closed Fund Policies” section for the Fund on page 42 of the Class A, B and C Prospectus, and on page 42 of the Class I and R Prospectus, and all other references to the closing of this Fund, are hereby deleted.
The “Closed Fund Policies” section on page 85 of the Class A, B, and C Prospectus and on page 81 of the Class I and R prospectus is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Closed Fund Policies
Each Fund reserves the right to modify the extent to which sales of shares are limited and may, in its sole discretion, permit purchases of shares where, in the judgment of management, such purchases do not have a detrimental effect on the portfolio management of the Fund or its Shareholders. Notwithstanding the forgoing, each Fund continues to reserve the right to reject any order for the purchase of shares in whole or in part for any reason, and to suspend the sale of shares to the public in response to conditions in the securities markets or otherwise.
Convertible Fund Reopens
"We're pleased to reopen our convertible mutual fund to new investors at what we consider to be an opportune time to invest in these unique hybrid securities", said John P. Calamos, Sr., Chief Executive Officer and Global Co-Chief Investment Officer of Calamos Investments. "An improving global economy and widening spreads have boosted interest in the asset class by issuers, resulting in an improving and diversified convertible market that we expect will become more robust. Moreover, during periods of rising rates and economic expansion, convertibles have historically outperformed their more traditional fixed-income counterparts."
Calamos has been a pioneer and long-time champion of the convertible asset class, launching the fund in 1985, as one of the first convertible mutual funds.
Or so I thought...
Max Fund's take:
I bought CVLOX because I thought it was unique fund showcasing various talent at Calamos - domestic, international, bonds, and then convertible bonds - making up a nice package. Is the only Calamos fund I own and have for a while.
Needless to see I'll be keeping a close watch on Calamos and trust MFO board will help greatly in that regard.