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Going to be interesting today...

edited August 2013 in Fund Discussions
to see if it holds more or less where it's at, or drops off a cliff later in the day. Sometimes Fridays are weird.


  • S&P 5c is hovering around the 50d ema & just above the sma. Levels ~ the 50d have been a floor & bounce level 4x since late last year. If there's a clear break down from here, we might have a change in the wind.
  • Two year high for 10 year Teasury (Seeking Alpha)
    10-year Treasury yield wants 3% • 1:24 PM

    It's thin trading conditions, but the 10-year Treasury yield jumps 9 bps all of a sudden to 2.86%, touching a new 2-plus-year high. This despite weaker-than-expected consumer and housing data this morning.
    TLT -0.8%, TBT +1.7%.
    The move is taking a toll on stocks, where the S&P (SPY -0.4%) has slipped more than half a percent off the session high.
    The mortgage REITs (REM -1.7%), (MORT -1.5%), (MORL -3.5%) quickly react to the downside. Leading are: Armour (ARR -2.9%), CYS (CYS -4.2%), Javelin (JMI -3.5%), Hatteras (HTS -2.3%), (MFA -2.6%), Annaly (NLY -1.9%), American Capital (AGNC -1.8%), Dynex (DX -1.4%).
  • edited August 2013
    Interesting to see mkt selling off, bonds selling off and gold going higher. Interest rate movements continuing to surprise me, although they ramped today apparently after a Bill Gross tweet: "Gross: Pogo said, We have met the enemy & he is us. I say, All asset mkts peaking; W/o central bank ck writing we only have ourselves 2sell2"

    I still don't get twitter. I want to read detailed thoughts from people I'm interested in. I don't want to have Bill Gross eventually tweeting, "Cntrl bnks end cntrl-p $$$, djia tlt frown Bernanke no moar lolz."
  • Too much short term thinking going on around here, IMO.
  • edited August 2013
    What was interesting is the 10 year Treasury at 2.83% - up from 1.39% in July 2012. Big losses for folks who've been long bonds during that period.

    PRULX (T. Rowe Price Treasury-Long) was off over 12% YTD as of yesterday and close to 12% year-over-year.
  • Yes, but the pain doesn't matter TOO much if you're holding and using the bonds for monthly or quarterly income.
  • edited August 2013
    Reply to @MaxBialystock: (-: I'll take that as a tease Max. Although would maybe agree with you for some bonds, like high yield & and EM. But with the higher-grade stuff, that ain't necessarily the case - due to the pitifully low yields.
  • Reply to @scott: What!? I can't understand him when he tries to speak English.
  • Hi, Hank.
    Agreeing with you. The lion's share of my bonds, it so happens, are in EM: PREMX. Less than 3% of total portfolio in DLFNX, with uncle Jeffrey. Still reinvesting all profits. Come to think of it, I own MAINX, too. It's been unremarkable, lately. That's a good thing, I think--- rather than to be falling in value quite a bit, like so many others---including PREMX. ...MAINX = 2.77% of total, here.
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