Among the major projects at this house for the past 8 months; an ongoing unwind of the personal past.
I have been digging through the too long stored newsletters and related about investing from the late 70's and early 80's. Mark Skousen was one subscription that I had for several years. Once on Mr. Skousen's mailing list (and other's), one would receive any number of trial subscriptions from various investment related sources. Today this is spam from computer tracking cookies.
I have periodically become stuck in these archieves of paper; during this sorting period. The time spent looking through these "documents" is interesting from a perspective of where one was at mentally and/or started to become more serious about investing for the future.
Also many books in soft and hardcover form. Some of these are book sets dedicated too investing and understanding the various forms of investments available at the time. I never did enjoy the math formula sections in the bond(s) book.

Just give me the the "Cliff" notes version, eh?
I may keep the 1987 Barron's paper published after the October market slam.
Kinda like losing a longtime friend; disgarding these items, from this house. But, these are things that must be taken care of today and by me. If I dropped in my tracks today; my dear wife and our daughter would be overwhelmed by the "stuff".
Back to the coffee at this house; and the continued unwind and recycle of items from the past.
Take care of you and yours,