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Wealthtrack 7/12/2013 - Dan Fuss & Richard Bernstein


  • Interesting, thank you. I wonder what the "secular" picture will look like for those of us who did not flee bonds lately---particularly EM bonds? The share price means less to me today than a few years ago, but my bond fund (PREMX) is still down from its 12-month high (maybe all-time high?) by 10.4% as of 16 July, '13. In the last week or so, it has been slowly clawing its way back..... I have to think that there are some out there wanting to buy these shares at discount prices. What would make me VERY happy is to see a decent interest rate offered on 5-year CDs at the credit union.
  • edited July 2013
    I agree. Good interview. (Although I experienced a short segment in middle without sound). Would be absolutely great if Mr. Bernstein is correct and US is experiencing an industrial renaissance. He plugged small/mid US manufacturing companies. And, Mr. Fuss plugged small tech, especially medical tech, US companies.
  • Same audio glitch here, too.
  • Isn't Dan Fuss a bond guy? Why is he pumping equities?
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