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Ping Chip, Brad -- Fund ticker popup window

edited June 2011 in Technical Questions
Brad has recently completed the work for fund tickers to appear as links in posts. This is great. But, I notice the full name of the fund in the pop-up window is a bit too large sometimes. If the description is long, it causes vertical scroll to appear and the close (x) mark on upper right of the pop-up is also mis-placed. I suggest making the fond of fund description smaller so everything fits to the window without scroll bars.

For example the following funds appear with scrollbars.



  • Investor,
    What browser do you use? I use IE8 and the mouse-over gives a window that resizes to wrap the remaining name within the window without scrollbars. Scrollbars appear for the mouse-click pop-up but the fund name in this box also word wraps within the box so the vertical scroll is just for the list of links. The latter is the same for all funds.
  • edited June 2011
    I see the problem in Firefox 4 on PC as well as Safari 5 on Mac. My comments are for the popup window, not tool tips (html speak: alternate text).
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