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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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MFO Fund Ratings

edited June 2013 in Fund Discussions
Can the new MFO Fund Ratings be accessed now or is it something that is coming in the future? If now, what is the procedure?


  • Hi, Bobpa!

    The ony portion that we've released so far is the list in my cover essay. Because Charles has generated such a remarkable richness of information, I was concerned that a full release would swamp more people than it would help. So the plan was to introduce the nature and content of the ratings, to illustrate them with one sub-set of the complete dataset, and then listen as folks chewed on them. (We have a lot of faith in you that way.)

    The plan, assuming that Chip and her team survives a huge mid-month data conversion at her college, is to design a search function that will let folks find the funds (good or bad) that interest them. We're also likely to make highlight lists available, but we're still thinking that one through.

    As ever,

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