Login. OK. My portfolio comes up, even with that one last fund updated that they seem to have overlooked before. Log-out. Log into my buddies portfolio, since I babysit that for him each night. "Welcome, Kenneth." Trouble is, he's not Kenneth. I logged-in successfully with my friend's user-name and password. It DID let me in. But it let me into the portfolio belonging to some schmoo out there named Kenneth. .....Log-out.....Log-in again, as ME. "Welcome, Kenneth." Huh? And the beat goes on. It's getting deep. Shoulda worn my hip-waders.
This is a serious problem. This means someone else could be lookinig at my portfolios. Did you report this problem to Morningstar?
BTW, I did get an email from Morningstar titled "Portfolio Manager update" at 5:46 PM EST stating that the problem has been fixed. I have not encountered this problem myself. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
...AT RANDOM, on a whim, I clicked on a drop-down menu where it normally says, "Portfolio" or "Watch List." there were a few---maybe four of them--- unconnected and unrelated words or labels in that drop-down menu. I clicked on the bottom one, the word was "Yale." (?????)
...Boom, up comes my correct stuff. I don't understand it at all.
"Dear customer,
After performing an update to our portfolio servers last night we noted incorrect data was being presented to a small number of our users. We immediately released an update to address the issue and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
If you were impacted by this issue, please clear your browser's cache, close and reopen your browser, and pull up portfolio manager again. All should be resolved. If you find otherwise, please email [email protected] or call our support team at 866-229-9449.
Thank you,
Darrin Thomas
Morningstar.com Product Manager"