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Republican Lawmakers Voice Alarm Over Possible Pentagon Shake-Up

edited March 21 in Off-Topic
A select few Republican lawmakers finally started extricating their craniums from their anal orifices.
Much work remains to be done in this regard...

"The top two Republican lawmakers who lead the Pentagon's oversight committees in the U.S. Congress issued a rare, joint statement on Wednesday expressing alarm about a potential shake-up in U.S. military commands by the Trump administration."

"The statement from the offices of Senator Roger Wicker and Representative Mike Rogers cited press reports, including that the Trump administration is weighing relinquishing the U.S. role as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe."

"We will not accept significant changes to our warfighting structure that are made without a rigorous interagency process, coordination with combatant commanders and the Joint Staff, and collaboration with Congress," Wicker and Rogers said in the statement."

"Such moves risk undermining American deterrence around the globe and detracting from our negotiating positions with America's adversaries."


  • committee chairs. their oxen would be gored, eh?
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