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Silly Season Analysis

edited March 13 in Other Investing
Investopedia comes up with: Can the '5 Stages of Grief' Predict When the Stock Sell-Off Will End?

Dinky linky.

I am now looking forward to analysis of the Emperor's new wardrobe.


  • Shit. Didn't you know? The Emperor's wearing no clothes!'s_New_Clothes
  • See Rampell's op-ed yesterday:

    I still maintain that nearly all Wall Street analysts and many executives are absolutely not worth their salaries .... nor does accrued wealth automatically indicate competence or wisdom. Market & economic chaos was publicly declared a YEAR AGO by one of the presidential candidates but all they heard were "yippee -- more tax cuts!"

    Remember, Wall Street is the same industry that invented the phrase "past performance is not a guarantee of future success" for its products. Tells you all you need to know...
  • rforno said:

    See Rampell's op-ed yesterday:

    I'm surprised Bezos let it through.

  • edited 12:51PM
    I didn't think Rampell had it in her to write a column like that. I'd be surprised if it hasn't shaken up whatever editorial review there is for columnists at WaPo.
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