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International-Stock Funds Finally Wake Up

edited March 13 in Fund Discussions
”The average U.S.-stock mutual fund or exchange-traded fund fell 2.9% for February, according to data from LSEG, formerly Refinitiv Lipper. That trimmed the year-to-date gain to just 0.5%, as the February weakness wiped out most of the gains from January. (See funds-data tables including Mutual-Fund Yardsticks.) Meanwhile, international-stock funds, which were outgunned by their U.S. counterparts in 2024, reversed the trend by rising an average 2.2% in February, to boost their year-to-date gain to 6.9%.”

Story - Originally WSJ


  • They have done well, but have recently faded a bit. When things are behaving poorly here, foreign stocks tend to fade as well. Ideal is more in the nature of stagnant here leading to rotation there. I'm not sure whether that's what we have currently?
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