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What does Musk really want?

edited March 7 in Off-Topic
I read an article but now can't find it. It was very interesting about Musk and AI. Summary from what I remember.

All current AI is basically the same, they have all absorbed all the information on the internet so they are basically all the same. What source of information is still available that would make his AI product stand out above all the others. The massive US governments data. If he can absorb all that massive data he'll be far ahead of others. Think about all the defense, human information, domestic-foreign intelligence, corporate, other agencies, space knowledge, etc... etc.. etc... as the US governments database is massive. There was no way to gather it all together before the pre-DOGE agency was formed in 2014 because of ACA (I don't remember details). That agency has links to all the other data and it's a starting point to start gathering that data to feed into his AI. His AI would have info no other AI includes.

It was a very interesting article.


  • He wants tax cuts. For his businesses and himself. They were employed in 2017 and they are coming up for renewal this year. The only way is to fire federal workers, and employ tariffs. Otherwise there won't be enough money to replace what the billionaires would have to pay in taxes in order to keep the deficit from getting totally out of control.
  • edited March 11
    good point @gman57

    I figured there has to be some reason he’s been willing to damage his TSLA brand with this illegal interference in the levers of government. And so much time away from his business operations. Your referenced article makes sense,

    Information = power & $$. Just ask Google. Sometimes it pops up on my devices out of nowhere and is difficult to get rid of. The average Joe-Doe has no idea.
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