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Retire All Govt Employees - aka "RAGE"

This “deleting” of the government was all foretold by Curtis Yarvin and his “RAGE” (Retire All Government Employees) plan, which is being implemented now. If you take away everything the government does to help people, all you’ve got left is a government of, by, and for the rich, and that is where this is all headed.

Just as Mr. Yarvin predicted, Americans have finally gotten over their “dictator phobia,” and embraced his idea of a CEO to run the country like a corporation/dictatorship because, as Peter Thiel proclaimed in 2009, they “no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible."

"After spending the entire presidential campaign denying that he had anything to do with Project 2025 and didn’t really know what it was, Trump is now following its dictates to the letter and on schedule. In fact, nearly two-thirds of all of Trump’s Executive Orders so far reflect the plans in the 900-page Project 2025."


  • And all of this is surprising, because... ???
  • Posting about the hostile takeover of our government helps me feel just slightly better somehow. Not good, though.

    All is not well in this country, and half of the US is either in denial or cannot be bothered to understand it.
  • You speak truth, sadly. It has come to me very recently that the Orange Tool is utterly and completely OWNED by the Poot-slime. The Russians have something on the Criminal now living in the White House...

    PBS "Wash. Week" from last Friday: they went around the table attempting to explain Orange's behavior and deference toward Russia. Not one of them mentioned MONEY--- which is all the Orange doink cares about. In fact, he wants it all. And going back even before the first term, little Donny or Jared or some one of the males in the tong offered to tell a reporter that they get a big slug of the money they "need" from Russia. I suppose that is because, after SIX bankruptcies, other banks don't want to deal with the "Master Of The Deal."
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