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Such outrageous, transparent arrogance.

edited February 22 in Off-Topic

The Orange Disgrace previously (already) suspended a law which prohibits US companies from paying bribe money in order to do business in other nations. (Ethics, anyone? Not HERE!)

Now, the Orange Felon wants to contest other countries' sovereign right to charge whatever taxes upon business which they choose to charge. This is extortive dominance--- which, of course, he portrays the other way around, as if those other places are extorting us.

You see? To the extent that you can get people to buy-into the definitions, lingo and (false) narrative, then you've already won the day. Convince people to reflexively think in terms of the way you've framed any given issue, and you can move ahead. No more convincing is even needed. Just do what you want.

Too many Americans never were taught how to think critically. They are SHEEP. And when "thinking critically" is raised, they're dumb enough to think right away that all it means is to be habitually negative, rather than positive and happy-go-lucky. Jayzuz.


  • Catholic school certainly didn't teach anyone to think critically... they did their best to teach me to be a sheep. Fortunately, they failed.

    The Jesuits (whom I never encountered) might just be an exception.
  • My prerequisite to taking any further undergrad courses in Philosophy was the course in LOGIC. Served me well. Benedictine school, not Jesuits. The Jesuits came later. Oh, the stories we could tell...
  • Back (way back) in my childhood the neighborhood Cath school (next door to the elementary where I went) was always wrecking neighbohood fun when the catechism schedule sent Cath kids scurrying away from (the basketball court, baseball diamond, vacant lot where we played a miniature form of football) to their appointed indoctrination. I was thankful the calm, collected Methodist church my family went to had nothing like it.
  • edited February 24
    The false narrative Orwellian Double-speak that's going on is very real and very useful to the Orange criminal, authoritarian coup d'etat regime. It's been present in US politics for decades already (at least for decades!) re: various bills in the House & Senate sponsored by the Repugnants, with catchy acronyms, offering the very opposite of what the purpose of those bills are for. Project 2025 and its Orange Fuhrer are just expanding that tool and spreading it around ubiquitously, like feces on a farm field.
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