Orange Disgrace previously (already) suspended a law which prohibits US companies from paying bribe money in order to do business in other nations. (Ethics, anyone? Not HERE!)
Now, the Orange Felon wants to contest other countries' sovereign right to charge whatever taxes upon business which they choose to charge. This is extortive dominance--- which, of course, he portrays the other way around, as if those other places are extorting us.
You see? To the extent that you can get people to buy-into the definitions, lingo and (false) narrative, then you've already won the day. Convince people to reflexively think in terms of the way you've framed any given issue, and you can move ahead. No more convincing is even needed. Just do what you want.
Too many Americans never were taught how to
think critically. They are SHEEP. And when "thinking critically" is raised, they're dumb enough to think right away that all it means is to be habitually negative, rather than positive and happy-go-lucky. Jayzuz.
The Jesuits (whom I never encountered) might just be an exception.