I for one appreciate that while Trump maintains a firm grip on the Off-Topic board with 80-90% of new posts related in some way to his actions, decrees, pronouncements, tweets, insults and his general absurdity and disrespect for our most sacred institutions (along with subordinates like Musk), his grip on the Investing board seems to have diminished lately. Separation of Powers perhaps …..
Yes - I know it’s hard to draw a line. I don’t oppose including on the Investment board Trump actions that have a direct bearing on our investments. For example: How a particular new or proposed tariff might impact inflation or the price of a commodity / How massive government layoffs might affect lower rated credits / How some “off-the-wall” comment caused the market to tank on a given day / Or how cuts in defense might affect investments in aerospace. Those are legitimate investment related topics. But, my thinking is … “If in doubt … toss Trumps into the OT bin”. Don’t let him dominate our investing board.
"But, my thinking is … “If in doubt … toss Trumps into the OT bin”. Don’t let him dominate our investing board."
I agree. Nicely stated!