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Planning for the demise of Social Security anyone?

edited February 20 in Off-Topic
Don’t say it can’t happen after the last month. If they can cut military spending 8 % a year anything is possible…. If you are retired are you reviewing your withdrawal rate and asset allocation? Our withdrawal rate since we swallowed the anchor is zero so the loss of our government benefit would change things drastically.


  • Orange & company will try. SS will be a pinata for the next 4 years - the GOP will whack at it and try to smash it.

    Lets hope that 48 can clean up the debacle that is the 47th term. At least, clean up whatever is left.
  • I think they will bump up the SS retirement eligibility age to 65 from 62 etc... That will be their fix and to avoid the wraith of the current recipients.
  • A fix would be welcome to deal with a challenging demographic situation. Getting doged is what I am concerned about. Tax cuts for the really wealthy won’t come cheap and bigger deficits are a hard sell to the hard right.. no target for cutting will be spared

    Per projections from last year, interesting to note that after Social Security (#1), net INTEREST expense follows at #2. This is followed by National Defense at #3.

    The elephant in the room is the DEBT.

    "Spending on interest is ...more than all the money spent this year on veterans, education, and transportation combined. "

  • Yes, quite right. We are screwed. Holding my breath, the next two years, and hoping that enough US voters can grow some intelligence between now and then, and turn away from the Orange Lying POS.
  • @Crash I rather doubt that, whatever is planned, "we the people" have one, much less two, years to grow anything. Here's hoping I am wrong!!
  • edited February 21
    I “plan” every day by staying physically fit in case I need to return to the work force at some future time. In the event his high tax policies (a tariff here, a tariff there) throw us into a 30s style depression, I think I could hold up well in a soup-line. Off to the gym right now.
  • Where do old people get the best grocery carts to wheel to their encampments?
  • So many homeless all around in my adopted city. It's just taken for granted now. Horrible.
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