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Donald Trump revokes Joe Biden’s security clearance in latest revenge move

From The Guardian-
President Donald Trump has said he’s revoking Joe Biden’s security clearance and ending the daily intelligence briefings he’s receiving, in payback for Biden doing the same to him in the wake of the January 6 attacks.

Trump announced his decision in a post saying: “There is no need for Joe Biden to continue receiving access to classified information. Therefore, we are immediately revoking Joe Biden’s security clearances, and stopping his daily intelligence briefings.

“He set this precedent in 2021, when he instructed the intelligence community (IC) to stop the 45th president of the United States (me!) from accessing details on national security, a courtesy provided to former presidents.”


  • So, the insurrectionist is in charge and firing back at those who actually took their oath seriously. What a galactically monstrous Orange mountain of defecated wet slop.
  • A never-grown up 6th grade bully. Look- the world's always had a lot like that... nothing new there.

    My wrath is with the 50% or so of my fellow citizens who actually want a man like that to be their president. A great many of those fellow citizens are "Christians" of one type or another. I have to wonder exactly what Christ-like qualities they see in their new leader?
  • edited February 8
    Trump is obviously a petty individual who seeks retribution for any perceived slights.
    I'm also perplexed how many so-called Christians can support this vile human being.
  • Ya, I don't wanna even get started about that. My disgust is total. Even ordained colleagues voted for the Orange puke.
  • Guess what many of those who voted for him will suffer as he takes away Medicaid and financial assistance. This hurts everyone in particularly the low income families. regardless whether they live in blue or red states. This amount to class warefare where they are viewed as less valuable to this society. And that is wrong!
  • edited February 9
    News is more sensational that it really is. Presidents don't have or need security clearance, so there is nothing to revoke.
    Trump only stopped regular security briefings for Biden, as Biden did for Trump in 2021.
  • ...Well, then. It was put out there in the news simply as a tit-for-tat item. You did me. Now I'm doing you. How d'ya like THEM apples, Joe?

    Childish Orange nutjob. OF COURSE the Trumpster could not be trusted. No one else who has held the title of President ever attempted to SUBVERT the nation like the Orange Fart.... Now, he's re-elected, so he is way past just attempting it.
  • Crash said:

    ...Well, then. It was put out there in the news simply as a tit-for-tat item. You did me. Now I'm doing you. How d'ya like THEM apples, Joe?

    Well, that's just the fake news for you. They get a little information and blow it up with lies to meet their desires.

  • I'm glad he cut Joe out of the briefing. In Joe's condition, he should not be trusted with classified information. Of course, on the other hand, he wouldn't remember what was said 30 minutes after he heard it.
  • Does that old gal who run with Joe get briefing now? I certainly hope not. What a dunce.
  • edited February 9
    I am so happy and proud of our new president. Yes, he is your president too. What a great man. He will safe America from becoming communist, which is the goal of the Democrat Communist Party, now known as the DCP.
  • edited February 9
    Hondo needs to see a psychiatrist, stat. That and throw out the John Birch Society tracts. Seem to be several loose screws that need attention. Plus, you'd think he'd try to be a little more cautious after being caught out for lying about the election the last time he visited.
  • edited February 10
    Orange Kool-Aid Winos. Keep those damned FACTS away from me. I'm happy being brainwashed. I'm not impressed with the Dems, myself. But the Repugnant Party has become a spineless Trump-cult. He's just busy blowing things up. His whole Admin. is a criminal enterprise.
  • It's coming. I just read 2 articles:
    1. Alabama farmers can't find help on their tomato farms. Immigrants went into hiding. They are trying to use American workers but they're slow, out of shape or quit after one day. Produce prices will be affected.
    2. USAID bought millions from farmers that's going away. So, farmers are going to hurt or need more subsidizes from the government.

    MAGA doesn't realize they are clawing back the $1.00 from their paycheck that goes to help the poor while the wealthy skim off $50 from their paychecks for subsidizes to corporations whos profits are in the millions. When was the last time any MAGA said anything about, hey let's end subsidizes for the corporations/wealthy. They only hate the poor because they're told the poor is stealing from them. Poor steal $1 while wealthy/corporations steal waaayyy more of their paychecks.
  • edited February 10
    I agree waste needs to be removed from the government. What Elon is doing isn't the way to do it as it'll just come back with the next administration(s). Remove ALL the money going to politicians via corporations/lobbyist so they can act in the best interest of Americans without the influence of the almighty dollar. I know... wishful thinking.

    If Elon eliminates 3 billion a day (his goal) that's a trillion? /yr. So what.. chump change when you owe 37 trillion. Does anyone think removing a trillion/yr from the budget will not affect the economy. Pull a trillion from the economy, I'm thinking immediate recession or worse.
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