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U.S. Blindsides Panama, Saying American Government Ships Will Get Free Canal Passage

From an earlier article:

"Large U.S. Navy vessels, such as aircraft carriers, can’t cross the canal because they are too wide to fit. Canal officials said Navy crossings are uncommon, with an average of 40 vessels going through the waterway each year, or less than 0.5% of the total number of ships transiting. The offer would reportedly allow the U.S. Navy to save around $13 million annually, in a Defense Department budget of $850 billion."

From this article:

"What is $10 million for a country like the United States? It’s not like the canal fees are bankrupting the United States economy," he said.

I hope the deal gets done in the next few days so co-president Musk can divert the $13 million for security for trump at the Super Bowl.


  • From "The Hill:"
    Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino on Thursday rejected U.S. claims that American warships and boats can transit the Panama Canal without paying a standard fee.

    In a weekly news conference, Mulino disputed a statement from the State Department on free transit after Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s visit to Panama earlier this week.

    “I want to make it very clear to the country my absolute rejection of the statement from the State Department,” he said. “It is based on a falsehood.

    BLX, based in Panama, is down at the moment by -0.08% or just three cents per share.

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