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Canadians Booing U.S. National Anthem at Sporting Events

edited February 2 in Off-Topic
Aside from the rightness or wrongness here, there are practical repercussions. Michigan shares two common borders with Canada. I had planned a road trip into Canada this spring. Now, with this hostility I fear autos bearing U.S. issued plates might become a target of retribution. Uhhh!




  • edited February 2
    The situation is unfortunate since the tariffs were unnecessary.
    Terrible outcomes often occur when the "best and brightest" are hired to perform critical jobs!
    We must only have the highest standards for those who work in the West Wing.
    Only the highest aptitude, the highest intellect, and psychologically superior people
    should be allowed to qualify as presidential candidates.
    We need to eliminate DEI from the highest office in the land!
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