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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Fund Allocations (Cumulative), 12/31/24

Fund Allocations (Cumulative), 12/31/24

Shift from stocks to money-market funds. The changes for OEFs + ETFs were based on a total AUM of about $39.69 trillion in the previous month, so +/- 1% change was about +/- $396.9 billion. Also note that these changes were from both fund inflows/outflows & price changes. #ICI #Funds #OEFs #ETFs
OEFs & ETFs: Stocks 60.54%, Hybrids 4.24%, Bonds 17.58%, M-Mkt 17.64%


  • Wall Street wants that 17.64%.
  • edited January 31
    YBB, here or at your site, pl consider adding an extra line for previous reading for OEFs & ETFs right below the current reading.


    "OEFs & ETFs: Stocks 60.54%, Hybrids 4.24%, Bonds 17.58%, M-Mkt 17.64%

    Allocation as of 11/30 -

    OEFs & ETFs: Stocks 61.41%, Hybrids 4.27%, Bonds 17.40%, M-Mkt 16.92%"

    Now, I see that is a huge change for equities, which could be a mixture of price appreciation plus change in fund flows (decrease in MM?). The reader can then go dig more for data on their own.
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