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ICE harassing Navajo people in AZ

edited January 27 in Off-Topic
Story from Phoenix area by States Newsroom nonprofit news org.
“Despite possessing Certificates of Indian Blood (CIBs) and state-issued IDs, several individuals have been detained or questioned by ICE agents who do not recognize these documents as valid proof of citizenship,” the Navajo Nation Council stated in a press release.
Predictably, I s'pose. How absurd.


  • Doesn't surprise me but does make me a whole lot of angry. After they detained a military veteran in NJ all bets are off.
  • Yep, the agents doing the harassment, and their supervisors badgering them to meet quotas, are much more deserving of deporting than the Navajo. I've been wondering how this whole thing was going to be organized, and of course it turns out it's not. From other reading, seems it's all about quotas.
  • Sadly I have to agree. I forget what numbers he promised his flock.
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