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Trump names Peter Navarro, jailed for contempt of Congress, trade adviser

Well, yeah... hard to ague with having contempt for Congress these days...


  • Only convicts need apply. "The gangs all here!".
  • Good one!
  • edited December 5
    Trump Administration Prerequisites

    1) Absolute fealty to supreme leader Donald J. Trump.
    2) No relative job experience for the corresponding position.
    3) Distinguished criminal record - preferably as a repeat offender!

    All nominees should possess, at the minimum, two of the preceding traits.
    Item #1 is a strict requirement which is non-negotiable.
    If you meet these qualifications, please submit your resume
    (single-spaced, chronological format) on
    Thank you for your consideration!
  • "Hail, hail, the tong's all here!"
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