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DOJ drops Trump Prosecutions

Garland legacy.


  • edited November 2024
    ....Well, can't have litigation hanging over a President's head. Nothing else to do. Sucks mightily. Sucks prodigiously. Sucks like a Hoover, like a dozen Hoovers. A felon criminal Orange Pig-fart got himself elected, again. This says a great deal about the sort of people who voted him back into office. Just grab 'em by the pussy. Who cares. Just falsify your business records. It won't matter. Just go ahead and steal Classified documents. Your own self-appointed "Judge" will dismiss the case. The Orange Felon has necessitated the creation of a whole new level of what "teflon" means. My disgust cannot be measured. It's off the scales. The chart reaches to infinity. We are becoming a s*hole country, if it's not yet a reality.
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