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  • edited November 2024
    Yep, neighborhood menaces. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw someone using one to blow a couple of dozen leaves off their sidewalk, when they could have been raked away in a few seconds.
  • edited November 2024
    Yes. They are annoying. We got lots of leaves but no blower. One of the few power tools I’ve never owned or used. Generally I mulch them up mowing. Occasionally I’ll rake some. Rake quality is important. About $30 gets you an exceptional rake. One that’s lightweight, sturdy, wide. And raking is good exercise and relaxing at the same time.

    Am fortunate to own some adjacent woodland. So any leaves raked get dumped there on a compost pile. I’m not opposed to burning in proper areas under the right conditions. But some don’t take proper precautions and end up with long smoldering piles of leaves sullying the air in the neighborhood which is unpleasant and unhealthy. And, I’ve seen actual fights erupt over such inconsideration.
  • I have a no-lawn town yard and just let the leaves be, and they decompose without a fuss. Only exception is when a pile accumulates against the house in a big wind, and that goes into the street (by rake) for the city's fall leaf pickup. (They do that to keep leaves from plugging up the street drains.)
  • Yes, the noise is particularly bothersome to me. Because:

    More info than you needed or wanted, surely...
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