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We are creatures of our experiences and social environments. I need some unwind today,

edited October 2024 in Off-Topic
to discover 'what condition, my condition is in'.

Thanks to Billy Joel


Select 'full screen and volume UP'.

THIS will resonate and apply to a wide baby boomer age range, BUT; this applies to multiple generations, as only the names, dates and places change. You may have to have another view to catch all of the lyric and images.


  • NUMBER 2

    RIGHT NOW Thanks to Sammy Hagar and Van Halen, 1991

    The lyric is imbedded in the video.
  • edited November 2024
    Hi Catch. Sorry but your jazzy sassy music wasn’t the elixir needed here to calm frayed nerves. Whatever floats your boat! However, I dug up a collection of old Mary Hartman TV shows on DVD and been watching a couple every night. Unfortunatly, the show isn’t available for streaming.

    Show stared Louise Lasser (now 83) and was produced by Norman Lear who is better known for “All in the Family.” Only ran a single season 1976-77. We were a lot younger than? Huh? It’s a silly spoof on soap operas where “communication problems” reign supreme within the family orbit. 80+ year old Grandpa has a habit of “flashing” in public places wearing only a raincoat, leading to a lot of interactions between family and police. All in good satirical humor.

    What I really love are the kitchen colors / furnishings of the era. Avocado refrig. Yellow corded landline. Cheap looking tube style “portable” TV. And, there’s one crazy scene in a swanky lounge where the table waiter bears a stark resemblance to Elvis Presley. Presley died (along with the series) in 1977.

  • @hank
    Well, I agree; my songs were not from 'South Pacific' or 'Doris Day', etc themed.
    I recall watching a few of these shows, but at the time, my work load was way too big; and I didn't have much tv time.
    And Norman Lear changed the social fabric of America. He was a fully brilliant man. He passed last December at age 101.
  • edited November 2024
    catch22 said:

    Well, I agree; my songs were not from 'South Pacific' or 'Doris Day', etc themed.
    I recall watching a few of these shows, but at the time, my work load was way too big; and I didn't have much tv time.
    And Norman Lear changed the social fabric of America. He was a fully brilliant man. He passed last December at age 101.

    Spot-on @catch22 / Fortunately, my line of work gave me a couple months off in the summer. That’s when I recall catching just a few episodes of this series which aired late at night during the summer of ‘76. Wasn’t very popular at the time. Lear was apparently experimenting. More enjoyable watching it now with the passage of time.

    Yes, I agree on your assessment of Lear.
  • From my end of the boom:
  • edited November 2024
    You may find yourself

  • One more, tonight.

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