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edited September 2024 in Fund Discussions
@stiller and other owners of this fund,

I bought this fund a year ago without researching into it. Now, I am thinking of increasing it as part of my effort to cleaning Growth clutter out of my portfolio and so I am taking a serious look at this fund.

Its total Tech sector allocation is 40% and its allocation to MSFT (11.5%) + AAPL (13.5%) is 25%, leaving only 15% to other companies in the Tech sector. The other constituents are less than 5% each.

Has this fund always been top heavy and has that ever given you a pause?


P.S.: Not terribly worried about MSFT and APPL taking up so much of the fund because the fund can exit these positions in one day without any effect on the price. M* fund analysis is glowing and gives it a Silver medal rating. For full disclosure, while the fund's YTD return performance is 12 percentile, the previous 3 years its percentile rank was 45, 26, and 57 (2023).
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