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  • TCW MetWest AlphaTrak 500 Fund (M class)

    This fund served as a competitor to PSTKX while being slightly cheaper and performing slightly better. It even bested VFIAX over the past decade by a hair, though hugely tax inefficient. But unlike PSTKX ($2.6B AUM) it didn't get much love ($30M AUM).

    Portfolio Visualizer comparison

    Both this fund and PSTKX go to show that building a better mousetrap with derivatives is relatively costly, often tax-inefficient, and at the end of the day doesn't come out any better than old, boring vanilla.
  • edited September 2024
    "Both this fund and PSTKX go to show that building a better mousetrap with derivatives is relatively costly,
    often tax-inefficient, and at the end of the day doesn't come out any better than old, boring vanilla."

    MWATX and PSTKX returns lagged VFIAX returns over the trailing 3 Yr and 5 Yr periods.
    PSTKX returns lagged VFIAX returns by 52 bps over the 10 Yr trailing period
    and the fund experienced a greater max drawdown.
    MWATX returns exceeded VFIAX returns by 26 bps over the 10 Yr trailing period
    albeit with a greater max drawdown and lower Sharpe/Sortino Ratios.
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