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Variable Annuities - Fidelity and TIAA

edited August 2024 in Fund Discussions
These are two of the least expensive and most flexible VAs around. Fidelity charges 0.25% and 0.10% for over $1M in the VA. TIAA charges anywhere from 0.50% (under $100K) to 0.35% (up to $500K) and 0.25% (over $500K). But all those go down to 0.10% independent of value after ten years.

Fidelity tends to include the second cheapest share class of VA portfolios (think "retail") while TIAA tends to include the cheapest share class (think "institutional"). All in, the two have similar costs for the first ten years, then TIAA becomes much cheaper.

The real question, though, is how their underlying portfolios perform. I've looked up (via Financial Times search) all the portfolios open to new investors. Below is the table I built for myself (slightly edited for formatting here). Note: the M* ratings are for the portfolios themselves.

On the VAs' websites you'll find different ratings. That's because what you're seeing are there the ratings of the funds including the annuity fees. Since the annuity fees of both of these VAs are so low, those star ratings tend to be mostly 4s and 5s. The ratings of the funds themselves, included here, give a better picture of the funds' performance.

Since there are so many funds, I've split the table into two posts - broad equity in the first, sectors and fixed income in the second.
Fund					Class	ER	Ticker		M* 	Lipper	Annuity

Allocation Portfolios

Conservative Allocation
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 20 Inv. 0.55% 0P00003EYS 4 3/2/5/5 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 30 Inv. 0.57% 0P0001Q617 - - Fidelity

Moderately Conservative Allocation
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 40 Inv. 0.62% 0P0001Q618 - - Fidelity
Franklin Income VIP Cl 1 0.46% 0P00003BNK 5 4/3/4/5 TIAA
Nuveen Life Funds Balanced 0.51% TLBAX 5 4/4/4/5 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Conservative Alloc. 0.13% 0P0000TNLX 4 5/5/5/5 TIAA

Moderate Allocation
Fidelity VIP Asset Manager Inv. 0.61% 0P00003ESQ 2 3/3/4/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Balanced Inv. 0.51% 0P00003ESS 5 5/5/2/5 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 50 Inv. 0.70% 0P00003EYT 3 4/3/4/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 60 Inv. 0.71% 0P00008YBH 3 2/2/3/4 Fidelity
Vanguard VIF Balanced Portfolio 0.21% 0P00003BRZ 4 5/5/3/5 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Moderate Alloc. 0.13% 0P0000TNLY 3 4/4/3/5 TIAA

Moderately Aggressive Allocation
Fidelity VIP Asset Manager: Growth Inv. 0.72% 0P00003ESP 3 3/3/2/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 70 Inv. 0.74% 0P00003EYU 3 4/4/2/4 Fidelity

Aggressive Allocation
Fidelity VIP FundsManager 85 Inv. 0.78% 0P00003EYW 4 4/4/1/4 Fidelity

Target Date
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2010 0.44% 0P00003ET2 3 x/x/5/x Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2015 0.48% 0P00003ET4 4 x/x/5/x Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2020 0.51% 0P00003ET3 5 4/4/4/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2025 0.54% 0P00003ET5 5 5/5/3/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2030 0.58% 0P00003ET6 5 5/5/2/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2035 0.63% 0P0001OWHR - - Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2040 0.68% 0P0001OWHT - - Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2045 0.69% 0P0001OWHU - - Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom 2050 0.69% 0P0001OWHV - - Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Investor Freedom Inc. 0.40% 0P00003ET8 3 2/2/5/5 Fidelity

Tactical Allocation
Morgan Stanley VIF Global Strat. Cl. I 0.90% MIMPX 3 2/2/2/3 Fidelity
PIMCO VIT All Asset Portfolio Inst. 2.04% 0P00003EXR 3 3/4/4/1 TIAA

Global Allocation
BlackRock Global Allocation VI Cl. 2 0.92% 0P00003E89 4 3/3/3/3 Fidelity
DFA VA Global Moderate Allocation Inst. 0.28% 0P0000XY87 5 5/5/4/5 TIAA

US Equity Portfolios

Large Cap Blend
ClearBridge Variable Growth Port. Cl. I 0.85% QLMGOX 1 1/2/2/3 TIAA
DFA Equity Allocation Inst. 0.32% 0P00019RXP 2 5/5/4/5 TIAA
Fidelity VIP Growth & Income Inv. 0.57% 0P00003ES4 4 5/5/5/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Index 500 Init. 0.09% 0P00003BWH 4 5/5/5/5 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Total Market Index Init. 0.11% FVIDX 3 4/4/4/5 Fidelity
Nuveen Life Core Equity Fund 0.52% TLGWX 4 5/5/4/5 TIAA
Nuveen Life Large Cap Resp. Equity 0.22% TLCHX 3 3/3/4/5 TIAA
Nuveen Life Stock Index Fund 0.08% TLSTX 3 4/5/4/5 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Capital Growth Port. 0.34% 0P00003DVM 4 4/4/5/5 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Equity Index 0.14% 0P00003BS4 4 5/5/5/5 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Total Stock Mkt Index 0.13% 0P00003DVK 3 4/4/4/5 TIAA

Large Cap Growth
Fidelity VIP Contrafund Inv. 0.64% 0P00003ESR 4 4/4/4/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Dynamic Cap Apprec. Inv. 0.70% 0P00003ESX 4 4/4/4/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Growth Inv. 0.65% 0P00003ES7 5 5/5/4/5 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Growth Opportunities Inv. 0.67% 0P00003ES3 4 5/5/1/5 Fidelity
Janus Henderson VIT Forty Port. Inst. 0.55% JACAX 3 3/4/3/5 TIAA
MFS VIT Mass. Inv. Growth Stock Port. Init. 0.73% 0P00003CPY 3 3/3/4/4 TIAA
Nuveen Life Growth Equity Fund 0.52% TLGQX 3 2/3/3/5 TIAA
PSF PGIM Jennison Blend Portfolio Cl. II 0.86% 0P00003CBD 3 2/1/4/2 TIAA

Large Cap Value
DFA VA Large Value Portfolio Inst. 0.21% 0P00003CUU 2 2/2/3/5 TIAA
Fidelity VIP Equity-Income Inv. 0.55% 0P00003ESO 4 4/5/5/5 Fidelity
Franklin Mutual Shares VIP Cl. 1 0.68% 0P00003CBB 1 1/1/4/4 TIAA
Nuveen Life Large Cap Value Fund 0.52% TLLVX 4 4/4/4/5 TIAA
PSF PGIM Jennison Value Portfolio Cl. II 0.82% 0P00003DP6 3 3/4/5/2 TIAA
PVC Equity Income Account Cl. 1 0.49% 0P00003CN9 3 3/2/4/5 TIAA

Mid Cap Blend
Fidelity VIP Mid Cap Inv. 0.65% 0P00003ESF 4 5/5/3/5 Fidelity
Vanguard VIF Mid-Cap Index 0.17% 0P00003C89 3 3/2/3/5 TIAA

Mid Cap Growth
Franklin Small-Mid Cap Growth VIP Cl. 1 0.83% 0P00003DB4 3 2/3/1/4 TIAA
PVC MidCap Account Cl. 1 0.55% 0P00003BO4 5 5/3/3/5 TIAA
Wanger Acorn 0.95% WUSAX 2 1/1/1/3 TIAA

Mid Cap Value
Fidelity VIP Value Inv. 0.68% 0P00003ESN 4 5/5/3/4 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Value Strategies Inv. 0.67% 0P00003ESM 4 5/5/2/4 Fidelity
Janus Henderson VIT Mid-Cap Value Inst. 0.68% JAMVX 3 3/2/4/5 TIAA
Matson Money U.S. Equity VI Port. 0.98% FMVUX 4 4/4/3/1 TIAA
N-B AMT Mid Cap Intrinsic Value Cl. I 1.02% 0P00003CPW 1 1/1/2/3 TIAA

Small Cap Blend
Fidelity VIP Disciplined Small Cap Inv. 0.40% 0P00003EWG 3 5/5/2/5 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Extended Market Index Init. 0.12% FVIJX 3 3/3/1/5 Fidelity
Nuveen Life Small Cap Equity Fund 0.53% TLEQX 4 5/5/2/5 TIAA

Small Cap Growth
ClearBridge Variable Small Cap Gr Cl. I 0.80% QLMSIX 2 1/1/1/5 TIAA

Small Cap Value
DFA VA U.S. Targeted Value Port. Inst. 0.29% 0P00003D0Y 4 5/5/1/5 TIAA
Macquarie VIP Small Cap Value Ser. Std. 0.78% 0P00003C1W 3 3/2/1/4 TIAA
Royce Capital Fund - Sm Cap Port. Inv. 1.15% RCPFX 3 3/3/1/1 TIAA

International Equity

Diversified Emerging Markets
Fidelity VIP Emerging Markets Inv. 0.97% 0P0000A9FS 4 5/5/2/4 Fidelity
John Hancock Emerg Mkts Val Trust NAV 1.03% JHVTX 3 4/4/4/4 TIAA
Lazard Retir. Emerging Markets Port. Inv. 1.15% 0P00005XR9 3 4/2/3/3 Fidelity
Morgan Stanley VIF Emerg. Mkts Eq. Cl. I 1.25% MEMEX 3 4/4/2/2 Fidelity
Templeton Developing Mkts VIP Fund Cl. 1 1.10% 0P00003CRI 3 4/4/2/3 TIAA

Foreign Large Blend
Fidelity VIP International Index Init. 0.16% FVIGX 3 3/4/4/5 Fidelity
Nuveen Life International Equity 0.60% TLINX 3 4/3/3/4 TIAA
Vanguard VIF Total Intl Stk Mkt Indx 0.11% 0P0001ANO3 3 3/3/4/5 TIAA

Foreign Large Growth
Fidelity VIP International Cap Ap Inv. 0.86% 0P00003ESC 5 5/5/3/3 Fidelity
Fidelity VIP Overseas Inv. 0.81% 0P00003ESH 4 5/5/3/5 Fidelity
Vanguard VIF International Port. 0.33% 0P00003CRA 3 4/2/1/5 TIAA

Foreign Large Value
DFA VA International Value Port. Inst. 0.27% 0P00003CY8 4 5/5/3/5 TIAA

Foreign Small/Mid Blend
DFA VA International Small Port. Inst. 0.40% 0P00003CN3 4 x/x/2/x TIAA

Foreign Small/Mid Growth
Wanger International 1.14% WSCAX 2 x/x/1/x TIAA

Foreign Small/Mid Value
Matson Money Int'l Equity VI Port. 1.14% FMVIX 3 3/3/3/1 TIAA

Global Large Cap Blend
Invesco V.I. Global Core Equity Ser. I 0.98% 0P00003CZL 2 2/2/3/2 Fidelity
MFS VIT Global Equities Series Init. 0.92% 0P00003D4V 2 2/2/3/3 TIAA


  • Fund					Class	ER	Ticker		M* 	Lipper	Annuity

    Taxable Bonds

    Bank Loans
    Fidelity VIP Floating Rate High Inc. Inv. 0.79% 0P00011U4F 5 5/4/5/3 Fidelity

    High Yield
    Fidelity VIP High Income Inv. 0.86% 0P00003ESA 2 1/1/2/4 Fidelity
    Vanguard VIF High Yield Bond Port. 0.24% 0P00003DCW 3 3/3/3/5 TIAA
    Western Asset Variable Gl HY Bond Cl. I 0.83% QLMYIX 1 5/5/1/3 TIAA

    PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio Inst. 0.69% 0P00003E0V 4 5/5/4/5 TIAA
    PIMCO VIT Real Return Portfolio Admin. 0.84% 0P00003CE4 3 4/4/4/3 Fidelity

    Intermediate Term Core
    Fidelity VIP Bond Index Init. 0.14% FVIOX 2 2/2/3/5 Fidelity
    Fidelity VIP Investment Grade Bond Inv. 0.42% 0P00003ESB 5 5/5/3/4 Fidelity
    Vanguard VIF Global Bond Index Port. 0.13% 0P0001ANO2 3 3/3/4/5 TIAA
    Vanguard VIF Total Bond Mkt Index 0.14% 0P00003BSD 3 3/3/3/5 TIAA

    Intermediate Term Core Plus
    LVIP Macquarie Diversified Income Std. 0.54% 0P00003E8R 3 4/4/2/4 TIAA
    Nuveen Life Core Bond Fund 0.35% TLBDX 3 5/5/4/5 TIAA
    PIMCO VIT Total Return Admin. 0.75% 0P00003C9R 3 3/3/3/3 Fidelity

    Intermediate Term Government
    Franklin U.S. Gov Securities VIP Cl. 2 0.77% 0P00003CI6 3 2/2/4/2 Fidelity

    Fidelity VIP Strategic Income Inv. 0.68% 0P00003ESI 4 5/5/4/4 Fidelity

    Short Term
    Matson Money Fixed Income VI Port. 0.86% FMVFX 1 4/4/5/3 TIAA
    PIMCO VIT Low Duration Portfolio Admin. 0.69% 0P00003CIY 2 1/1/5/3 Fidelity
    T Rowe Price Limited-Term Bond Port. 0.50% 0P00003CWU 3 3/3/5/4 TIAA

    Ultrashort Term
    DFA VA Short-Term Fixed Port. Inst. 0.12% 0P00003C66 2 4/4/5/5 TIAA

    Emerging Market Bonds
    Morgan Stanley VIF Emrg. Mkts Debt Cl. I 1.10% MEMNX 3 3/3/1/2 Fidelity
    PIMCO VIT Emerging Mkts Bond Port. Inst. 1.12% 0P00005YP4 3 5/5/1/4 TIAA

    PIMCO VIT Global Bond Opp. Unhedged Inst. 0.86% 0P00003EXS 4 3/4/1/3 TIAA
    Templeton Global Bond VIP Fund Cl. 2 0.75% 0P00003C9Z 2 1/1/1/4 Fidelity

    Global - Hedged
    DFA VA Global Bond Portfolio Inst. 0.21% 0P00003D94 4 4/4/5/5 TIAA

    Sector Funds

    Fidelity VIP Communications Services Inv. 0.70% 0P000087RM 5 2/2/3/4 Fidelity

    Consumer Cyclical
    Fidelity VIP Consumer Discretionary Inv. 0.69% 0P00003EST 3 4/4/2/4 Fidelity

    Consumer Defensive
    Fidelity VIP Consumer Staples Inv. 0.69% 0P000087RI 3 3/2/5/3 Fidelity

    Fidelity VIP Energy Inv. 0.69% 0P00003ESD 4 5/5/2/4 Fidelity

    Fidelity VIP Financials Inv. 0.71% 0P00003ESV 4 5/5/2/4 Fidelity

    Fidelity VIP Health Care Inv. 0.67% 0P00003ES9 3 1/1/4/5 Fidelity
    T. Rowe Price Health Sciences Port. Cl. I 0.86% 0P00003DWN 4 4/4/4/4 TIAA

    Fidelity VIP Industrials Inv. 0.70% 0P00003ESW 4 5/4/3/3 Fidelity

    Natural Resources
    Fidelity VIP Materials Inv. 0.72% 0P00008PZG 3 4/1/1/4 Fidelity
    PSF Natural Resources Portfolio Cl. II 0.91% 0P00003EKJ 3 3/4/2/3 TIAA

    Real Estate
    Fidelity VIP Real Estate Inv. 0.68% 0P00003ESG 2 1/1/1/5 Fidelity
    Nuveen Real Estate Select Securities 0.57% TLRSX 4 3/2/1/5 TIAA
    Vanguard VIF Real Estate Index 0.26% 0P00003D31 3 2/2/1/5 TIAA

    Global Real Estate
    VY CBRE Global Real Estate Port Cl. I 0.90% IRGIX 4 5/5/1/5 TIAA

    Fidelity VIP Technology Inv. 0.67% 0P00003ESJ 4 5/5/2/5 Fidelity

    Fidelity VIP Utilities Inv. 0.69% 0P00003ESL 5 5/5/4/4 Fidelity
    MFS VIT Utilities Init. 0.79% 0P00003D2Y 3 2/2/4/3 TIAA

    Commodities Funds
    Broad Basket
    Credit Suisse Comm Return Strategy (base) 1.04% CCRSX 2 1/1/4/2 TIAA
    PIMCO VIT Comm Real Return Strat. Inst. 1.33% 0P00003ERD 2 3/3/3/5 TIAA
    PIMCO VIT Comm Real Return Strat. Admin. 1.48% 0P00003EG0 2 2/3/3/3 Fidelity

    Taxable Money Market Funds
    Government Money Market Funds
    Fidelity VIP Government MM Inv. 0.30% 0P00003ESE - - Fidelity
    Prime Money Market Funds
    Nuveen Life Money Market Fund 15.00% TLMXX - - TIAA
  • beebee
    edited August 2024
    Thanks @msf,

    Those annuity flavor ticker symbols are a pain.

    A family member has a VA annuity from Monument Advisors (Nationwide) which has a $20 / month flat fee and 350 mutual fund choices from DFA, Vanguard, Fidelity and others.

    We self manage this annuity so no advisor fees.

    Performance and fees of the 350 choices:
  • MFO Premium also supports many VAs under "Insurance Funds or IFs" - use fund family names in Multisearch (Allianz, Fidelity, Pimco, Vanguard, Pimco, TIAA/CREF, etc). I have posted before on TIAA and CREF VAs within 403b, but @msf has posted above about commercial VAs.
  • I looked into the Monument Annuity years ago. It looked like an interesting idea. Then it was sold to Nationwide and as I recall it became difficult to buy without an advisor. Glad to see one can buy it direct again.

    All in costs are comparable to other low cost VAs. When one invests in DFA or Vanguard funds with Monument, there's an extra 0.35%/year. (look for Low Cost Platform in the prospectus.) The share class of Fidelity funds that are available include a 0.25% 12b-1 fee. For example, here's the Monument page for Fidelity VIP Balanced (0.69% net), and the page for Fidelity VIP Balanced through Fidelity (0.51% net).

    The tickers I gave, despite their cryptic look, work on M*. You can add them to a portfolio. You can use them in a chart (pull up another fund and add the VA fund in the compare box). You can even do a search on these tickers in the "new" Morningstar.

    What you can't do is pull up a page on most of these funds. The search box will find the fund and translate the name to English; it won't give you a link to a fund page.
  • Thank you @msf for your efforts. We've discussed these annuity types in the past; and it is important for some to be aware of these choices to expand their 'tax deferred' investment choices.

    For those not familiar, the below link we take you to the Fidelity page of their investment choices. Select the investment type in the 'name' column for details of that particular choice.

    FPRA (Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity) LINK NO login required.
  • edited August 2024
    Keep in mind that before 403b/401k, 457 and IRAs came along, annuities were the primary tax-deferral vehicles.

    Today, if someone has max-ed out on all these (403b/401k, 457, IRAs), then annuities will make sense.

    It may not be a good idea to chase fixed-rate annuities. They may offer higher rates than CDs, but one the money is in annuity, it's stuck there - almost captive money. If you withdraw that money before 59.5, there is 10% penalty + tax. You can do 1035 exchanges to switch to another vendor.

    VAs operate almost like mutual funds or CITs except for the annuity wrapper restrictions. Many VAs are clones or cousins of mutual funds.
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