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Big Bang

edited July 8 in Off-Topic
Seems I can't get there today. I noticed a small box attached to different sites I view , with three dots inside the box. It asks to edit , pin ,save , etc. Other sites seem to be working. First I've noted this small box. Thanks MS !
Does anyone have an answer for a fix ?
Thanks , Derf


  • I was able to login normally to BBI and read/post today.
  • edited July 8
    Apple product or Windows? What browser does your device use? More info needed, although I may be of no help.
    Have you searched online for the meaning of the three dot window at a web page???
    The way you've written is that you can not use a web site with the dots in the box.
    Is this the case?
  • edited July 8
    catch22 I just tried again , shows ,starts to down load & it's gone. Maybe chang has bandiest me ?
    Tried private window & that works.
    Windows & Firefox
    Think I'll see if a good night sleep helps.
    Stay tuned, Derf
    Added : I was able to access the site through EDGE. Also will try link Observant1provided.

  • edited July 8
    I could not reproduce this issue.
    I was able to login to via Firefox, Chrome, and Edge on Windows OS.

    Firefox version 127.0.2 - Private window (didn't try regular window, had many Private window tabs opened)
    Chrome version 126.0.6478.127 - regular window and Incognito window
    Edge version 126.0.2592.87 - regular window and InPrivate window

    The following article may be helpful.
  • When I'm finished using the laptop for the day, I delete the browser history. Perhaps something is electronically stuck. And perhaps the site has updated a version it uses and you're seeing these changes.
  • So ????? What became of the circumstance?
  • @catch22 I ran a scan of PC this morning & sure enough after the scan I was able to connect to big Bang via Firefox. The scan seemed to take about twice as long as usual so to my way of thinking something at my end needed cleaning up.

    I know nothing more, Derf
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