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Bloomberg Wealth: Josh Friedman

edited July 7 in Other Investing
"David Rubenstein talks to well-known credit investor Josh Friedman, the Co-CEO, Co-Founder,
and Co-Chairman of Canyon Partners. After cutting his teeth in the early days of high-yield bonds
alongside Mike Milken, Friedman has gone on to build his own $26 billion firm,
which has been well positioned to capitalize on the explosive growth of private
and distressed credit deals in recent years."

Good interview with Josh Friedman.
Some here may be familiar with River Canyon Total Return Bond Fund
(multisector bond) managed by a Canyon Partners subsidiary.


  • edited July 7
    Thanks @Observant1

    Friedman has an impressive multi-discipline education track record. Much of the first half of interview is about his education and how he got into the investment business. He speaks at great length about investing in private equity. Was working for Drexel when they folded. Interesting insights on Dallas vs. LA / NYC as competing business locations. I feel the last 10+ minutes would be especially helpful to most investors, as he quotes Munger a couple times and speaks in broad terms about charting one’s individual investment course.

    Nice light-hearted comment about his decision to study physics in college vs. the liberal arts. Physics depends on the exactitude of numbers. Success writing a college essay, poem, historical analysis or journalistic piece is much more dependent on the “whims” of the professor. :)
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