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SCOTUS bought and paid for. His own appointees saved his ass. Motherlover.

edited July 1 in Off-Topic

Sickening. The entire "justice" system is being deliberately unraveled.


  • edited July 1
    From the accounts of the ruling, it appears the radical majority have left themselves enough wiggle room that they could allow prosecution of a prez they don't like while letting one they do like avoid prosecution.

    This is how dictatorships work. They've for sure got the playbook down.
  • edited July 1
    Didn't The dictator of Russia proclaim we'll " conquer " from the inside many many years ago.
    Khrushchev ?
  • I just checked market & it seems to be rolling along.
  • No surprise there. Markets--- like the Orange Pig--- do not possess a conscience.
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