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What’s everyone’s thoughts on a current position in EGFIX? Buy, sell or hold ?


  • There are so many great domestic LCG funds. EGFIX is not one of them. It has earned its M* 2* rating. Its 1% ER alone, especially for an Inst share class, is enough to Just Say No to it.

    Take a look at any/all of FCNTX, FDSVX, AMAGX, PRWAX. I'd exchange EGFIX for any of these four (and likely many others) in a heartbeat and not look back. FWIW, our fave in the Category is FDSVX.

    Disclaimer: We own FDSVX and PRWAX.
  • I continue to like BIAWX

    They are consistent and while I do not believe capitalism is evil, they avoid the worst managements
  • sma3 said:

    I continue to like BIAWX

    They are consistent and while I do not believe capitalism is evil, they avoid the worst managements

    Except for Amazon and Uber, maybe others.
  • I don't like it. Its one of those funds that doesn't pay off the amount of risk you take. Overall I believe large growth is tough to outperform even on a risk adjusted level. especially using expensive funds. (2% outperformed the LCG index over the last 10 year period) and its tough to figure out which one is going to do it but your best shot would be focusing on lower cost active but to be completely honest, it could be more prudent to just focus on the large cap growth indexes and find active management elsewhere.

    It seems a lot of people have their favorites here and those could be worth looking into. contrafund, fidelity bluechip (non diversified technically), TR AllCap, Fido OTC, all seem to this point to have decent management going on.
  • I'll say one thing for it, if M* can be believed, the managers are eating their own cooking.
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