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  • Good actor with quite the range. I've enjoyed many of his movies and characters. I've no clue what makes for an excellent actor but I was always convinced of who he was in his roles.
  • Just brilliant. Canadian, from Quebec. Oops, born in St. John. But if memory serves me, he lived for a number of years on the PQ side of that border.....Reading further: No, I'm just wrong. The family moved to NS.
  • edited June 2024
    What a film resume he had. Saw Eye of the Needle recently: a great WW II suspense film with DS as a nasty German spy. He played it to the max, like he apparently did every role.
  • Yes, I know that one. BRILLIANT.
  • edited June 2024
    Animal House - 1978


    Love it. Looks like his mind is elsewhere then in the classroom … :)
  • "Kelly's Heroes:"
    Ah, what a fully insane movie. His character, in this movie, was endearing to the maximum !!!
    And to the wonderful father figure in 'Pride and Prejudice'.
  • And he was already older, playing Nicole Kidman's Minister-father in "Cold Mountain." So difficult to watch. Southern society unraveling during the Civil War. People will do ANYTHING. The ones playing the local law enforcement guys were convincing: they made us hate them. In the film, it was a father-son duo.
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