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issues with Brave browser

The specific issue is solely with stinking YouTube. It refuses to play now. Most, but not ALL vids auto-stop after 2 or 3 seconds. Did a browser update cause this? Or does YouTube not like BRAVE again? I dunno. Nobody tells me nuthin'. Gonna uninstall and re-install. Big gigantic piles of doggy poopies.


  • edited June 2024
    @Crash. I use Brave most of the time. I ran a test just now and mine pulls-up & plays UTube videos fine. I checked settings and the search engine option is set to “Brave Search.” Dunno. I think I’ve had some issues like the one you report in the past, but today Brave does run UTube. When searching for a UTube video, however, I include “UTube” in the search query.
  • Thanks, @hank. I'm back on Firefox. We'll see if the next update erases my bookmarks, as it has done in the past, more than once. Or I could just not apply the update. Apple's been bugging me for a year or more to take its updates. When I took an update the last time, it crashed my computer. No thanks, Apple. Keep your update.
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