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Excellent Interview With Tom Friedman / PBS June 7

edited June 9 in Off-Topic
This weekly show has gotten better since The Atlantic took over. Friedman plays hardball in the interview regarding Israel’s current leadership and Washington’s less than adequate attempts to deal with the Mid East crisis.


  • edited June 10
    I watched this episode a few hours ago and agree it was an excellent interview.
  • I'll check out that broadcast episode... I've always thought highly of Tom Friedman.
  • @hank - quite informative and interesting. Thank you for posting it.
  • Agreed - WW is actually worth watching since Goldberg took over the reins.
  • edited June 10
    Finally got the time to watch that- once again it seems to me that Friedman is one of the few influential people actually understanding and trying to deal with Mid-East reality. That seems to be beyond the capabilities of the various politicians involved.
  • OJ said it!
    One disagreement I have: The current war's roots are in the 60+ year military occupation by Israel of what is supposed to be a Palestinian State. The initial attack by Hamas on Oct. 7 is rooted in Israeli oppression. Facilitated by nutso Christian nationalists here, who also share the nutjob Messianism of the ones Friedman was describing in Israel. That includes a great many elected "leaders." Mike Johnson of Louisiana is Exhibit A. Bonehead.

    Oh, and Goldberg said the extreme Left here in the USA wants the extermination of Israel. I have never seen the slightest indication of such a thing. The "extreme" Left in this country is only calling for Palestinian Rights.

    True: Abu Mazen of Fatah is corrupt and a do-nothing empty shirt. Hamas was not well loved in Gaza. There has not been a real election there since 2006. Friedman makes a great deal of sense.

    From 2008:

    I could share much more. While I was still an active clergyman, I belonged to the Presbyterian Israel/Palestine Mission Network.
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