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One less idiot carrying a gun.

edited June 5 in Off-Topic
The former president once boasted that he was so popular with the electorate, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

Trump’s gun license to be revoked following conviction


  • edited June 6
    I'm glad this idiot can no longer carry a concealed firearm.
    Unfortunately, some of his fervent disciples are armed to the teeth.
    We've already caught a glimpse of what can occur when the Führer's rhetoric riles up a crowd.
  • Tis a shame he might wrest control of the White House a SECOND time. More of an indictment against US citizens' common sense than anything else.

    If any other candidate made disturbing comments drawing parallels to the Reich, he would be booted instantly. But not this dude.
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