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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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If it looks to good to be true it .........

Came across this & thought , did an MFO's bit on this deal of a life time !!


  • Hah.

    The closest I ever got to 'winning' in such a situation was back in the mid-00s when the platform I was trading futures on locked hard and wouldn't send confirmations of trade execution. When the data got fixed I was suddenly short 32 S&P eminis when I had tried to go long only 8, didn't get a confirmation, and kept trying to submit a reversing order. That evening, the brokerage thankfully admitted the problem and credited me the few hundred $$ that I 'lost' on the inadvertent trade + all the commissions....thankfully the market didn't move very much while I was in that bad and grossly over-levered position. (Of course, I never trusted the platform and soon moved elsewhere.)

    You have not lived as a trader until you experiencing a shock like that.... lol
  • 32 eminis. size.
  • Devo said:

    32 eminis. size.

    8 eminis was a 'normal' sized position for me at the time To be in a position 4x that and going in the opposite direction was ... amusing.
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