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D/E ratio options

edited May 24 in MFO Premium
@Charles: If I understand correctly, I can select for D/E ratio of average to highest. It would be nice to have the option to look for average to lowest.


  • Hi WABAC. You mean the Debt/Equity (D/E) Rating in MultiSearch, right? Will add that option and a month to your subscription for the feedback. Thank you! c
  • Hi @Charles, as long as you are adding months, there are a number of other ratings that could probably use that option: P/E, P/B, P/C, P/S come to mind as data that can be nicely paired with ratings where you are looking for returns, etc., that are above average and better.

    One month will do me fine. Save some for the next poster.
  • Yes, I thought same thing ... will do across board.
  • Thank you for the great support Charles.
  • edited May 25
    Done! New options in update just posted.
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