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Berkshire Unveils Big Investment in Chubb

edited May 15 in Other Investing
”Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.8 +0.61%) unveiled a big investment in Chubb (CB -0.08% V), resolving a mystery that has intrigued followers of the Omaha, Neb., company. Berkshire's stake in the insurer was worth $6.7 billion at the end of March, according to a regulatory filing made public after the market closed Wednesday. It gave Berkshire ownership of 6.4% of Chubb, according to Dow Jones Market Data. Berkshire amended earlier filings to show it had been building the position in the second half of 2023.”

Above Excerpt From today’s Wall Street Journal (May 15, 2024)

It had been earlier reported that Berkshire had obtained a special SEC exemption to avoid disclosing (a then undisclosed) position.
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