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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Just left my Union.

The Wobblies.

Communication is a big issue. No one ever answers the phone. It's like trying to get someone to answer the phone at the local Schwab office. Never happens. Their very organizational structure hobbles them, clearly. So MANY committees. So many months go by with "NO REPORT" submitted. Then there was the dues SNAFU. And the political positions are getting to be way too far out there for me. The time has come. I'll be 70 in July. "I'm too old for this shit." I don't need to beat any more dead horses, at this age, trying to make stuff work. I'm trying to remember that I want to streamline, simplify and enjoy. I'm RETIRED. I LIKE retirement. No need to be the unpaid ombudsman, as I so often attempted to do in younger days. They want to make excuses? Each of them divorcing themselves from the inherent problems connected to the way they operate? Not my issue. Adios.


  • U'mmm... maybe you were the last Wobblie? Maybe there's no one else left to answer the phone.
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