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Portfolio trackers

Hi folks . I was hoping to get some suggestions on portfolio trackers that you use for tracking your assets across multiple brokerage accounts. I have found Schwab’s to be very lacking. Im looking for something that is easy to use, would allow me to drill down to track allocations across different equity classes (large cap growth, large cap value, small cap growth,etc), by sector, identify overlap between funds, and have a secure platform. Thanks so much


  • edited March 2024
    Portfolio Tracking & Analytics

    1. Old M* Portfolio is still around on year-to-year basis, but may go away eventually. It had a limited free version and also subscription Premium version.

    2. New M* Investor allows brokerage link(s).

    3. Stock Rover (SR) allows brokerage links(s).

    4. You can also maintain an Excel spreadsheet with portfolio holding % and run MFO Premium for analytics; these portfolios can be saved.
    Format: TICKER1 [?] TICKER2 [?] ..... TICKERn [?]

    5. You can maintain Excel spreadsheets with portfolios in the following format to upload and run 3 portfolios at a time with Portfolio Visualizer (PV):
    TICKER1 xxx
    TICKER2 yyy
    TICKER3 zzz
    TICKERn ???

    So, #1, #4, #5 require some manual work for inputs.
    #2, #3, #4 require subscriptions; #5 has free and subscription versions.

  • Thanks so much @yogibullbear … extremely helpful. Any idea if any of these allow links to the government thrift savings program?
  • @MikeW, I doubt that any would link to Fed TSP. There are 2 issues:

    1. Fed TSP isn't very user-friendly.
    2. TSP funds aren't listed, so don't have tickers.

    But you can use the correspondence table in the link below, and use #1 - #5 for analytics. So, inputs would be manual, but you will get lots of analysis.
  • Awesome! Thx so much Yogi…. You are a wealth of knowledge…
  • beebee
    edited April 2024
    To personal mail
  • Thx so much for sharing Bee. Will check it out
  • Placing this in your personal mail.
  • If you have accounts at Fidelity, you can easily track and analyze your portfolios. I think you can also track external accounts.
  • I don't find Schwab's or Fidelities portfolio analysi very robust, and do not want to give either one the ability to download my account information from another brokerage.

    I use Quicken to download my transactions from my brokerage accounts into the correct account on Quicken. It is seamless. I keep my passwords separate, although Schwab has set up a "higher level security" (?) for their downloads.

    I then cluster the accounts ( Non retirement, Spouse retirement, my retirement etc) in Quicken

    M* "Legacy" will easily import the combined accounts into a similarly titled ( Non Retirement for example) watch list or actual portfolio, as a tab delineated Excel compatible file hat Quicken produces.

    The "legacy" M* watch lists allow import of Ticker symbol, ave price per share, and number of shares to give you an accurate portfolio. It doesn't handle some things like CDs Bonds or some MFs but I just lumb all those into "Cash"

    You then have an accurate portfolio by % equity, sector weightings, etc in M* "Porfolio Xray".

    The new "Investor" watch lists at M* apparently do not allow "Portfolio Xray" and the new M* Investor does not allow import from Quicken, or anywhere else other than your brokerage, apparently.

    I would be very careful about sharing my brokerage log in with M*.

    Unless they add this import feature if they drop "Legacy" I will have no reason to continue M*

    Quicken has several ways to characterize each ticker symbol, all customizable. "Security Type" "Investment Goal" and "Asset Allocation" For mutual funds you can specify an asset allocation or use Quicken's

    However under Security Type and Investment Goal , only one choice is allowed. So it is hard to determine your allocation to "Developed Small value" for example. You can set a % in Asset Allocation but you have to look it up yourself.

    Once you get it set up, it takes about a minute or less to update your portfolio

  • @sma3, my M* Watchlists don't show share#, but the (old) M* Portfolio default is 1 share for each holding, & that may be the internal default in the (new) M* Investor too. M* Portfolio can run X-Ray on the Watchlists, but how useful is that? M* Investor doesn't have X-Ray for Watchlists, but only for Portfolios.

    Have you noticed that (old) M* Portfolio & (new) M* Investor are connected? So, whatever you do in M* Portfolio is automatically reflected in M* Investor (& to a limited extent, the reverse too). So, when you import from Quicken into M* Portfolio, it lands automatically in M* Investor too. Considering that M* Investor doesn't have this import capability (but only linking to brokerages or the manual entries), I think that M* should keep M* Portfolio forever (in the background) for use as an input interface to M* Investor.

    With lot of transactional work done already between your brokerage accounts & Quicken, you may want to see how Quicken results can be reformatted for inputs into other analytics-only software (MFO Premium, PV, etc). You don't need an integrated transactional & analytics software (M* Portfolio, M* Investor, SR, etc).

  • I can migrate all my portfolios both watch and portfolio to Investor, thanks to your previous reminder on how to do it

    If you download an excel compatible file, you can include #shares, Ave cost etc. to a watch list

    I find setting up a watch list with my shares and holding useful because I can then see in a glance my equity distributions in terms of sectors, M* "boxes" etc.
  • Very interesting discussion on quicken. I don’t use it but my wife does … will try and see if I can download my Schwab accounts into quicken and then set up the account on Morningstar legacy. I’m mainly interested in the portfolio X-ray feature and being able to analyze my holdings by equity style. Years ago I used to do that on Morningstar.
  • @MikeW

    I have used Quicken for decades to monitor and manage our multiple accounts. Even though we are retired, and have consolidated most, we have two R/O’s ( one managed by advisor), Roth IRAs, two non retirement account, small joint account and I kept my TSP account.

    BTW it is easy to pick an index or MMF that matches TSP funds. You can use that ticker but name it anything you want “ TSP G Fund”.

    Quicken has an automatic link to M* that allows you to do an “Xray” of any and all accounts.

    it is not as detailed as the one on the website and I have found sometimes the % are way off. On the website you can drill down and look and see each funds % but not on the abbreviated version.
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