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Computer issues

edited March 2024 in Off-Topic
Just started, 2 days ago. I've done absolutely nothing at all to make this happen. But now, YouTube stops playing vids after 3-4 seconds, unless I'm in Private Browsing. (BRAVE browser.) I just uninstalled an Autoplay stopper, for those nuisance boxes that crawl down the page with you, along the right side margin. That tool was pretty useless. Stinks. But the YouTube vids continue to simply stop playing, on their own.

But FOR THE MOST PART, in a Private window, the vids do work. I can use a "simple" private window or private window with TOR. ...This junk just started happening with no warning, on Monday night or Tuesday. Just a couple of days ago. Stinky-poopy, truly. Anyone else experiencing this?

MFO works fine without the Private stuff, just an ordinary webpage. Current tools:
- "Active User Agent" spoofs my OS and IP address.
-Trend Micro Ad Blocker
-Adblock Plus.
-Sponsor Block for YouTube. (A-ha! Is THAT the thing? YouTube found a way to screw watchers who use the Sponsor-Blocker?)

Just disabled Trend Micro Adblocker. YouTube seems to work fine, now. ORK?!


  • With various ad and tracking blockers I've found that occasionally they will interfere with the normal workings of a few sites. If those sites are ones that I really want to see there is usually a setting to turn off the blocking/tracking for that specific site.
  • Yup. Glad I figured out just WHICH tool was causing the error. Must have been the most recent update. Everything was fine until just a few days ago. Semms like we're back to normal operation.
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