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Seven times size of Manhattan: the African tree-planting project making a difference

It's good to see Trees For The Future is getting a little recognition. I have been providing financial support for its holistic approach to reforestation since the 1990's.

Tree-Planting Project


  • edited March 2024
    That's great; practical, sustainable solutions for local people and climate. The style of practical design reminds me of CATIE (kah-tee-aay), a tropical research & education center for Latin America and the Caribbean that's been around for fifty years or so.

    I got to visit the original research/education farm in Costa Rica in the '80s and saw several private farms where the design was being carried out. CATIE has about a dozen member nations these days and bills itself as being like a land-grant university for the region, researching and educating about healthy land use and prosperous farming.
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