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  • edited May 16
    yugo said:

    JD_co said:

    Was able to initiate new BIVRX position via Schwab's PCRA retirement plan portal. Don't know how or why, but it gives access to (soft?) closed funds.

    I've just tried testing this by setting up a Schwab PCRA trade and got a message: "Buys for existing position only." Any chance you can share the details re how / when you were able to do it?
    This PCRA is attached to a state retirement plan ("Employer Sponsored"), so perhaps it has institutional access? It let me snag a new position in TRAIX as well.

  • Schwab PCRA is a brokerage window within the retirement plans and may have some plan level limitations.
  • An update on fund flows -

    The fund had the same or higher inflows than the previous month since Sept 23. That trend broke in May when the inflows are about half of those in April.
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