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Where we’re heading ….

From The Financial Times January 21, 2024
Article Title - Donald Trump draws on arsenal of slurs to attack rivals for Republican nomination

(Excerpt) ”On Saturday, ahead of a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Trump called Haley “Birdbrain” — after she had questioned his mental fitness to hold office…”

Photo Caption - Supporters of Donald Trump wait to attend a rally on Saturday in Manchester, New Hampshire



  • Dumbing down. Whoa. Imbeciles in charge everywhere, if we're not careful. I went to school in Manchester, for 2 years. First 2 years undergrad. Spent a lot of it drunk. That was '72-'74. St. Anselm College. You've seen the name in the polls, and it's been the location for some forums and debates. Back then, it was seriously Republican. But anyone who's still there is now a member of a cult: the Repugnant Insurgency. Trumpster and his sheeple. Holy cow. Terrifying prospect. They live in a world of 1984-ish truth-speak. "Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with East Asia!" ORK. Blame it all on Goldstein, eh?
  • edited January 2024
    Can you imagine a ”State Dinner” at the White House held to honor the January 6th insurrectionists (after being pardoned) who attacked the Capital and sought to physically harm the Vice President and Speaker of the House?

    Yes - Orwell’s 1984 is filled with lies. Citizens are manipulated. But I can’t quite see it being as absolutely bizarro as this cult-like fascination with Trump / adoration of ”The Emperor”.
  • hank said:

    Can you imagine a ”State Dinner” at the White House held to honor the January 6th insurrectionists (after being pardoned) who attacked the Capital and sought to physically harm the Vice President and Speaker of the House?

    Yes - Orwell’s 1984 is filled with lies. Citizens are manipulated. But I can’t quite see it being as absolutely bizarro as this cult-like fascination with Trump / adoration of ”The Emperor”.

    Indeed!!! And by the way: "The Emperor has no clothes!"

    ...I know what you're thinking: "thanks for filling my head with THAT image."
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