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WealthTrack Show - Perth Tolle - Freedom 100 Emerging Market Index EFT - FRDM



  • edited May 25
    I've viewed the results of a study which indicated stock markets in more democratic countries
    produced higher long-term returns. Although I didn't delve into the details of this study,
    it seems logical there would be considerable divergence between the least / most democratic nations.
    FRDM has existed for only 5 years but it has trounced EEM during this short time period.
    I believe much of the fund's performance can be attributed to excluding China.
  • edited May 25
    Smart, convincing. She knows what she's talking about. She's tuned into what capitalism is all about: self-interest and greed. Words we never use. But making money while operating under an autocratic regime is always going to be hobbled by the political realities.
  • edited May 25
    How about an article I saw on Seeking Alpha about Chinese AI being trained on the writings of President Xi?!! Yikes (sorry….seems sequitur to the above topic)
  • edited May 27
    Whoa. Hell, no. I could do without THAT!

    EDIT TO ADD: No other reactions? Perth Tolle sounds quite savvy to me. The fund is performing well, though she's not listed as a Manager. She's running the company itself, I suppose?
  • Enclosed please find the breakdown of FRDM (Fidelity): 25% Taiwan (9% Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing), 19% Chile, 18% South Korea, and 14% Poland.

    P.S. Warren Buffet sold his entire TSM stake in late 2023 even though he held that in less than several months.
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